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Search Results: distance education

Growing a Partnership: SHINE and Middle River Regional Jail

by Vici Garber In August of 2017, Shenandoah Initiative for Adult Education (SHINE) decided to focus on the previously untapped population—citizens reentering the local community. Through an established partnership with the local Probation & Parole office, SHINE was able to connect with John Lilly, the program director at… Read More

Multilevel Instruction and Adult English Language Learners

by Susan Watson Adult educators recognize that classes for adult English language learners (ELLs) are multilevel in many ways: age, education background, world view, first language, other languages spoken, oral language skills, print skills, and more. One aspect of multilevel instruction I have experienced is ELLs with fluent oral… Read More

Tips for Building a Successful Adult Education Class

by Freida Idsi-Cole Adult learning classrooms, virtual or otherwise, are a melting pot of individuals with a broad range of reasons: to find employment, to learn English, to learn to read and write, to try again at finishing high school, or to learn a skill they have always wanted… Read More

Best Virtual Practices

“Using the AE&L Conference ReMix Team Challenge online support process provided by the VALRC (Google site, milestones, on track, and stay organized, PBL site, & focus question techniques); we identified the best practices, resolutions, and outcomes our students and teachers could implement to reduce the challenges associated with online learning… Read More

Incorporating Workforce Skills in GED & ELA Classes

  “Using the ReMix Challenge as a PLC allowed new and veteran teachers to interact as well as present in a virtual format to their peers.” Team S.P.A.C.E. Matters by Dr. Barbara Brown   Team Members Project Summary: Dr. Barbara Brown Autumn Bedwell Frances… Read More

How Can Registration & Intake Processes be Streamlined in an Equitable Manner?

“Our peer coach, William (Bill) Creighton, was instrumental in providing guidance to use the milestones provided by AE&L to set goals/objectives and remain on a timeline.” Team Registration Remix How Can Registration & Intake Processes be Streamlined in an Equitable Manner? by Jasmine Galloway Team Members Project Summary:… Read More

How Can Registration & Intake Processes be Streamlined in an Equitable Manner?

“Our peer coach, William (Bill) Creighton, was instrumental in providing guidance to use the milestones provided by AE&L to set goals/objectives and remain on a timeline.” Team Registration Remix How Can Registration & Intake Processes be Streamlined in an Equitable Manner? by Jasmine Galloway Team Members Project Summary:… Read More

Incorporating Workforce Skills in GED & ELA Classes

“Using the ReMix Challenge as a PLC allowed new and veteran teachers to interact as well as present in a virtual format to their peers.” Team S.P.A.C.E. Matters by Dr. Barbara Brown   Team Members Project Summary: Dr. Barbara Brown Autumn Bedwell Frances Ferebee… Read More

From the VDOE: Welcoming Immigrant Students

What can our data tell us about the English learners in our adult education programs?  Much of what is revealed in the statewide data is evident in your classes, programs, and communities. Our English learners come from around the world, have diverse educational backgrounds, and speak a wide range… Read More