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Search Results: distance education

Tips for Building a Successful Adult Education Class

by Freida Idsi-Cole Adult learning classrooms, virtual or otherwise, are a melting pot of individuals with a broad range of reasons: to find employment, to learn English, to learn to read and write, to try again at finishing high school, or to learn a skill they have always wanted… Read More

Community as a Key to Unlocking Civics Education

by Susan Otero and MaryAnn Cunningham Florez “What really matters from the point of view of social capital and civic engagement is not merely nominal membership, but active and involved membership”. — Robert D. Putnam The community/civics education connection What motivates people to be civically in… Read More

Virtual Virginia Adult Education Courses

This page contains tutorials, resources, and guidance documents for teachers, program managers, and learners to get the most out of the adult education courses in Virtual Virginia. The Virginia Department of Education has partnered with Virtual Virginia to develop 9 online courses for adult learners in 3 content areas: English… Read More

Best Virtual Practices

“Using the AE&L Conference ReMix Team Challenge online support process provided by the VALRC (Google site, milestones, on track, and stay organized, PBL site, & focus question techniques); we identified the best practices, resolutions, and outcomes our students and teachers could implement to reduce the challenges associated with online learning… Read More

From the VDOE: Welcoming Immigrant Students

What can our data tell us about the English learners in our adult education programs?  Much of what is revealed in the statewide data is evident in your classes, programs, and communities. Our English learners come from around the world, have diverse educational backgrounds, and speak a wide range… Read More

Do You Know Alice?

by Jim André & Caroline Lane “33% of our fellow Virginians have an income below the realistic cost of basic necessities.” You know ALICE. You teach ALICE. You work with ALICE. Some of you may be ALICE. ALICE is an acronym that stands for Asset Limited Income Constrained Employed. Read More

Do You Know Alice?

by Jim André & Caroline Lane “33% of our fellow Virginians have an income below the realistic cost of basic necessities.” You know ALICE. You teach ALICE. You work with ALICE. Some of you may be ALICE. ALICE is an acronym that stands for Asset Limited Income Constrained Employed. Read More

Empowering Teachers and Learners by Teaching Skills that Matter

by Hillary Major 9-5-3. Those numbers speak to the heart of Teaching the Skills that Matter in Adult Education (TSTM), a federally funded project that focuses on improving adult education and literacy instruction as a means of helping adult learners acquire the skills they need for… Read More

Outside the Classroom, Beyond the Textbook: Learning to Engage in Our Community

by Elizabeth Magee “The families learning class described here was a collaboration between the English Empowerment Center (formerly Literacy Council of Northern Virginia) and Crestwood Elementary School and its Family Center in Springfield, Virginia. The Family Learning Program at the… Read More