Welcome! Read the latest issue of PROGRESS, featuring "The Science of Reading" in Virginia. Read PROGRESS


VALRC Spring Math Webinar Series – Session 1


The first session will cover the math interest survey responses, including a discussion of the strategies and topics and math instructors want to learn about most. We will also explore how The Change Agent, an adult learner publication, can be used for contextualized math instruction. The content focus for webinars 2 and 3 will be […]

Event Series TSTM: Digital Literacy PLC

VALRC – TSTM: Digital Literacy PLC

Do you want to learn more about the classroom-ready lessons and other resources in the Teaching the Skills that Matter (TSTM) Toolkit? Do you want to gain ideas for incorporating digital literacy and workforce preparation skills and activities into your teaching? Do you want to work with an experienced facilitator and colleagues from around the […]

Event Series TSTM: Digital Literacy PLC

VALRC – TSTM: Digital Literacy PLC

Do you want to learn more about the classroom-ready lessons and other resources in the Teaching the Skills that Matter (TSTM) Toolkit? Do you want to gain ideas for incorporating digital literacy and workforce preparation skills and activities into your teaching? Do you want to work with an experienced facilitator and colleagues from around the […]



This PLC is an opportunity for integrated training and education (IET) and Integrated English Literacy and Civics (IELCE) instructors to network and collaborate in order to develop IET/IELCE lesson plans, curriculum, learner activities, assessments, etc. The purpose of this PLC is to be responsive to and relevant for  IET/IELCE instructors as our first ever IET/IELCE […]

VALRC: Serving Refugees, New Americans, and Immigrants PLC


This professional learning community (PLC) will connect adult education practitioners (regional specialists, ESOL coordinators, instructors, tutors, etc.) who are serving or expect to serve the refugee, new American, and/or immigrant populations to discuss strategies and resources for working with these learners. This session will focus on trauma-informed care and social-emotional learning. Visit this Google Doc to […]

Event Series TSTM: Digital Literacy PLC

VALRC – TSTM: Digital Literacy PLC

Do you want to learn more about the classroom-ready lessons and other resources in the Teaching the Skills that Matter (TSTM) Toolkit? Do you want to gain ideas for incorporating digital literacy and workforce preparation skills and activities into your teaching? Do you want to work with an experienced facilitator and colleagues from around the […]

Serving Internationally Trained Professionals Open Discussion


This open discussion will bring together adult education programs and other refugee/immigrant serving organizations to discuss strategies and practices for best serving internationally trained professionals (ITPs) in order to support their ability to access their career pathways in the United States. Participants will also be able to share questions and challenges regarding serving ITPs in […]

LINCS Digital Storytelling for Better Writers

From the LINCS Reading & Writing Community: How can we use multi-media storytelling to build better writers? What role does storytelling have in Adult Basic Education? In this live session on May 25 at 2 PM ET, Laura Porfirio will share an overview of the digital storytelling process and important elements to consider when writing […]

Event Series TSTM: Digital Literacy PLC

TSTM: Digital Literacy PLC Wrap Up


This session is for educators who are participating in the Spring 2023 TSTM: Digital Literacy PLC. This session is an opportunity for educators to share how they have been applying the Teaching the Skills that Matter (TSTM) Toolkit  and approaches in their own planning and practice. If you have questions about TSTM or the TSTM: […]

LINCS: Supporting Job-Embedded Professional Development for ELA Instructors


Join LINCS to learn how one  program teaching English learners is supporting high quality job-embedded professional development for instructors. Laura Smith-Hill will share practical strategies to nurture a team culture among instructors, involve them in collaborative curriculum development, and provide accountability to the most rigorous research available to the field. Register Here

LINCS Discussion: How Can Writing Improve Reading Comprehension?

LINCS hosts educator and researcher Charles MacArthur of the University of Delaware for an asynchronous discussion of how writing can improve the reading comprehension of adult education students! Ask your questions on this topic and comment on the recommended strategies for answering questions, taking notes, summarizing, and responding to texts. Join this special discussion and […]



Satisfied with current NRS tests? Probably not. Come learn what the future of Measurable Skill Gains assessment looks like. Assessment researchers and leading adult education practitioners will describe how revolutionary new methods are being applied to support the next generation of NRS assessments under a Department of Education project. Skills developed in IET and workplace […]

VDOE Data Office Hours


This session will offer additional technical assistance with end-of-year data reporting. Register Here

LINCS: Culture in the Adult Education Mathematics Classroom


Join Dr. Carmine Stewart to discuss the importance of acknowledging and valuing students' diverse cultures and experiences in the mathematics classroom. We’ll explore ways to incorporate culturally responsive teaching practices by using examples and problems that are relevant to students' cultural backgrounds and experiences, and how to create safe and inclusive learning environments where students […]

VDOE June Open Conversation


The VDOE team will host a June open conversation about the conclusion of the current year and start of the new year. This is not mandatory. Use this link to join Meeting ID: 858 1354 2792 Passcode: 140308

VDOE Data Office Hours


This session will offer additional technical assistance with end-of-year data reporting. Register Here

LINCS: Developing Curriculum Using an Equity Lens (Asynchronous Discussions)


Discover strategies to develop Adult Education curricula through a robust dialogue with guest experts in the Teaching and Learning, Reading and Writing, Math and Numeracy, Program Management, and Diversity Equity and Inclusion Communities of Practice. This round robin discussion will involve multiple groups with a specific focus each day to aid you in developing a […]

VDOE Data Office Hours


This session will offer additional technical assistance with end-of-year data reporting. Register Here

LINCS: COABE Follow-Up for Digital Lit & Tech Strand


Join Rachel Riggs and Nell Eckersley for  the conversation  started a few months ago at COABE 2023! How have we navigated new technologies over the years? What lessons can we carry into the future? What's next for Digital Literacy and Technology in the coming year? Register Here

LINCS: ADVANCE IET Connecting Jail-Based IET Programs to Career Pathways Webinar


Representatives from the Integrated Education and Training (IET) in Corrections federal initiative, Michelle Tolbert and Jessie Stadd from RTI International, will share how to partner with jails to design and deliver Integrated Education and Training (IET) programs. They will present an overview of educational programs in jails and describe how jail-based IET programs can connect learners to […]

VDOE July Open Conversation


Join an open conversation which will answer questions about this year's reporting. Use this link to join Meeting ID: 898 4096 4263 Passcode: 455507

VDOE Data Office Hours


This session will offer additional technical assistance with end-of-year data reporting. Register Here

LINCS: Supporting Learners with Disabilities

Join LINCS for an information-packed hour with Dr. Monica McHale-Small of the Learning Disabilities Association of America. This is an opportunity to learn about an important demographic in adult education--students with disabilities. Dr. McHale-Small will discuss learning disabilities and related disorders, and share strategies and resources to help us support better adult learners. Register Here

EdTech: Maker CampGPT (Session 1)


CampGPT is an engaging opportunity to learn more about generative AI tools. While collaborating with other educators, campers will have the chance to engage in a variety of activities that offer practice with new tools and targeted exploration to see how generative AI can be applied to support teaching and learning. Following the summer camp […]

DARS Windmills: Disability Fact or Fiction


This diversity disability inclusion module is an exercise wherein participants complete a questionnaire and review their knowledge about disabilities. The goal is to become more comfortable and effective in our workplace interactions with people with disabilities. Participants become aware of respectful etiquette and language for creating a comfortable work environment and they learn the basics […]

EdTech: Maker CampGPT (Session 2)


CampGPT is an engaging opportunity to learn more about generative AI tools. While collaborating with other educators, campers will have the chance to engage in a variety of activities that offer practice with new tools and targeted exploration to see how generative AI can be applied to support teaching and learning. Following the summer camp […]

Event Series Career Pathways Virtual Meeting

Career Pathways Virtual Meeting


The VDOE and VALRC will offer sessions to review and discuss the PY2022-23 data for indicators of IET quality.  There will be breakout sessions for networking and sharing of ideas based on industry-specific groups including the topics of credentials; workplace literacy; Types 3, 4 and 5 MSGs; and career coaching. *Representation from each funded program is mandatory, but not […]

Event Series Career Pathways Virtual Meeting

Career Pathways Virtual Meeting


The VDOE and VALRC will offer sessions to review and discuss the PY2022-23 data for indicators of IET quality.  There will be breakout sessions for networking and sharing of ideas based on industry-specific groups including the topics of credentials; workplace literacy; Types 3, 4 and 5 MSGs; and career coaching. *Representation from each funded program is mandatory, but not […]

Canvas Countdown for Virtual Virginia

A lightly facilitated 4-week online course for adult education practitioners to learn the ins and outs of using and adapting the Virtual Virginia adult education courses in Canvas.

Event Series ProLiteracy Teacher Training Plus

ProLiteracy: Where Do I Start? Planning the First Month of Lessons with a Low-level ELL Student


For a new tutor or teacher, getting started with a low-level English language learners can seem overwhelming. They may worry about the first few weeks of lessons when the students speak almost no English. In this webinar, learn what your very first lesson should look like and how to build from there to make your […]

VALRC: Reading, Writing, and Relevance: Teaching with Adult Learners’ Published Writing

In this webinar, find out how to access SPOTLIGHT, Virginia’s annual publication for writing by adult learners, and The Change Agent adult education magazine for social justice. Gain ideas for using writing by adult learners to teach reading and language skills at multiple levels, as models to guide learners through the writing process, to combat learners’ writing anxieties, […]

LINCS AEFLA Week Virtual Celebration

Description: Join us to celebrate Adult and Family Literacy Week by sharing your student success stories and positive changes in your program from the past year.

VALRC: Digital Literacy for Multilingual Learners Webinar Series, Session 1: Introduction and Integration of the Digital Access and Resilience in Texas (DART) Curriculum


Have you struggled to find free resources to teach basic computer skills to multilingual learners? Are you overwhelmed by the idea of pulling together a variety of activities from different sources into a cohesive curriculum for learners who are new to using technology? This webinar is designed to demonstrate an overview, as well as tips […]

Event Series ProLiteracy Teacher Training Plus

ProLiteracy: What’s So Smart About SMART Goals? Using Them to Energize Students and Increase Retention


Integrating SMART goals into class increases student satisfaction and involvement. Students that work toward SMART goals also have better attendance. Learn what SMART goals are, how to set them, and how to use them in class. SMART goals can be applied to any learning environment to make them more relevant and engaging for students. Register […]

VALRC: Teaching Writing: Evidence-based Practices and Strategy Instruction

What does the research say about effective instruction that helps learners improve the quality of their writing? How can teachers can leverage strategy-based instruction to support learners in developing as writers? This webinar will review 11 evidence-based instructional practices and explore specific strategies that learners and teachers can use. Register here.

Quality Teaching Online Overview Webinar

This webinar will cover best practices for designing coherent and effective online courses. Additionally, we will focus on student engagement, building community, and applying Universal Design for Learning and accessibility standards to selecting and implementing instructional materials. Participants will learn to: apply Universal Design for Learning and accessibility standards to instructional materials; apply community building […]

LINCS: Introducing the LINCS Universal Design for Learning Modules

Description: Join us to learn about the new LINCS UDL modules focused on practices and strategies for supporting adults with learning challenges. We’ll also share resources and ideas for programs to create opportunities for learners to disclose their challenges during the intake and assessment processes. Please bring your questions, challenges, and ideas!

VALRC: Disabilities and the Adult Learner Webinar Series, Session 1: Introduction to working with adult learners who have disabilities

It is important to keep in mind that learning disabilities are life-long. Children with disabilities grow-up to be adults with disabilities. Although, many adult learners go undiagnosed. Learning disabilities affect the ability to understand or use spoken or written language, do mathematical calculations, coordinate movements, or direct attention. This session focuses on how adult educators […]

VALRC: Multilevel ESOL Classes Webinar Series, Session 1


Do you want to tackle the challenges of teaching multilevel ESOL classes? Are you looking to address the varied learning needs of individual students within one classroom and become an effective multi-level teacher? This 3 part webinar series will present strategies for effective multi-level instruction and planning for ESOL classes or multi-level classrooms. We will […]


Richmond Marriot 500 E Broad St, Richmond, VA, United States

The 2023 VATESOL Conference, Stronger Together: Building Partnerships for Language, Content, and Community, will be held in Richmond, Va on September 29 and 30.

Event Series Career Pathways Open Conversation

Career Pathways Open Conversation

Join us for important networking, updates, and sharing for career pathways planning and programming. This three-part open conversation series focuses on connecting career pathways practitioners with resources, colleagues, and policy updates to support the growth of their programming to connect learners to training, higher education, and careers. Come and learn what your colleagues are doing across the state and share your best and promising practices with us! Sessions are scheduled on Mondays from 12p to 1:30p on Oct 3, Oct 30, and Nov 27.

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