Welcome! Read the latest issue of PROGRESS, featuring civics programs in Virginia. Read PROGRESS


LINCS: Celebrate Me Home – A Season of Learning Inside and Outside of Our Prisons and Jails


As this holiday season approaches let’s explore educational gifts we can share with our students, colleagues, administrators and others that have been touched by our justice systems. Join us to discuss ways we can all become better educators for students who often struggle with life behind the walls and upon their return to society. Resources […]

National Digital Inclusion Alliance Presents: Digital Inclusion 101 Webinar


Digital Inclusion practitioners have been working to end the digital divide for decades, creating their own community, definitions, resources, and gaining knowledge of what works and doesn’t. Digital Inclusion is a multifaceted issue that takes time to understand and NDIA is here to help!  

VALRC: Data Office Hours


Data Office Hours is an hour long, ongoing monthly meeting for anyone involved in adult ed data collection and reporting. This session provides support for policy and practice related to NRS data collection. 1st Tuesday of Each month from 2:00–3:00 p.m.

LINCS: Reading Behind the Walls


Jeremy Gregg, author and prison reform advocate, will be our guest expert for the Reading Behind the Walls LINCS event taking place on January 18th at 3 PM ET. During […]

LINCS/VALRC: Trauma-Informed Care and Social Emotional Learning for Adult ESOL Instruction


Trauma-Informed Care and Social Emotional Learning can have a positive impact on persistence and language development for adult English learners. Join Kate Rolander and Hali Massey from the Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center for ideas on how to effectively integrate research-based practices into adult instruction for adult English learners. Participants will leave with numerous practical […]

NEDP: Assessing 21st Century Workplace


The 21st Century Workplace Competency Area can be particularly complex to assess and review. Join us to discuss best practices for helping clients make the most of this important content. […]

NEDP: Assessing 21st Century Workplace


The 21st Century Workplace Competency Area can be particularly complex to assess and review. Join us to discuss best practices for helping clients make the most of this important content. The session includes tips and recommendations as well as practice assessing some of the most common ND responses.  

COABE & Aztec Software: Great Leadership Pathways Webinar Series: Part 3, Leadership Matters: 8 to Great Leadership Pathways


Leadership skills are essential to everyone who works in Adult Education. Regardless of your role, having a firm understanding of leadership skills allows you to contribute more to those you serve and the agencies where you work. In this three part webinar series, nationally recognized adult education leader Reecie Stagnolia will explore the eight leadership […]

VALRC: Serving Refugees, New Americans, & Immigrants PLC


This professional learning community (PLC) will connect adult education practitioners (regional specialists, ESOL coordinators, instructors, tutors, etc.) who are serving or expect to serve the refugee, new American, and/or immigrant populations to discuss strategies and resources for working with these learners. The first session will focus on cultural competence for working with diverse adult learners. […]

LESLLA Coffee Break: The Quest to Develop Culturally Responsive Teaching: Unpacking Invisible Barriers to Learning


This coffee break will explore contrasting assumptions and expectations in learning paradigms between educators and learners to identify (largely) invisible barriers to learning. Such an exploration fosters a mind shift, helping to lead to culturally responsive pedagogy, as well as serving to disrupt biases against and deficit views of LESLLA learners.