Welcome! Read the latest issue of PROGRESS, featuring "The Science of Reading" in Virginia. Read PROGRESS


VALRC: Data Office Hours


Data Office Hours is an hour long, ongoing monthly meeting for anyone involved in adult ed data collection and reporting. This session provides support for policy and practice related to NRS data collection. 1st Tuesday of Each month from 2:00–3:00 p.m.

Literacy Minnesota: Comprehension Strategies for Intermediate-Level Readers


Research shows that explicitly teaching a set of comprehension strategies is a great way to help intermediate-level readers maximize their understanding of texts. Come learn a handful of great comprehension tools that will help students develop critical thinking skills and comprehension skills.  

COABE: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Virtual Symposium


COABE, together with national partners, is hosting this one day symposium to focus on racial equity and immigrant integration, prison literacy, digital equity, students as leaders, learning differences, and local program improvement. The hope is to provide each attendee with actionable tools that can be immediately used at the local and state level. Registration is […]

LINCS: Using Tutors to Improve Adult Learner’s Math Skills


Many adult learners struggle with math instruction. Join this interactive event and discuss promising practices for using tutors to support math instruction in the adult education class. Explore how Universal Design for Learning can be incorporated into the math classroom. Be ready to share ideas, ask questions, and walk away with resources and ideas that […]

LINCS: Adult Education and Resettled Refugees in the United States


This webinar will guide practitioners in how to enhance their instructional strategies to account for the specific experiences and circumstances of newly resettled refugees. Special emphasis will be placed on trauma-informed practices.  

EdTech: Becoming Trauma Informed in Adult Education

This participatory webinar explores the impact that personal and community trauma has on adult learners’ ability to engage and persist, and then dives into strategies anyone can use to become more trauma-informed in educational settings. Visit this website to learn more!  

EdTech: Teaching Skills That Matter EdTech Maker Space


The goal of the first EdTech Maker Space (ETMS) project, taking place in the summer of 2022, is to curate OER and align them to four Teaching Skills That Matter topics (Civic Education, Workforce Preparation, Health Literacy, and Financial Literacy). Along the way, participants will learn strategies for OER evaluation, skills/standards alignment, collaboration with edtech, and inclusive design. […]

VALRC: Data Office Hours


Data Office Hours is an hour long, ongoing monthly meeting for anyone involved in adult ed data collection and reporting. This session provides support for policy and practice related to NRS data collection. 1st Tuesday of Each month from 2:00–3:00 p.m.    

LINCS: Pathway Home Grant: IET Implementation within Correctional Settings


Pathway Home grants from the U.S. Department of Labor target re-entering citizens and provide adult education, training, and supports. Join the LINCS Community Professional Development group for an interview with Carl Betterson, the Coordinator of Savannah Technical College's U.S. Department of Education's Pathway Home grant, to learn about program implementation successes and challenges.  

EdTech Center: Experiment with EdTech


During these workshops, Rachel Riggs, Digital Learning Specialist, invites attendees to either bring ideas or tools they’d like to try out OR just come and observe while we explore new developments and strategies in educational technology. These will be casual workshops with no fixed agenda, no single presenter, and no pressure. Come as you are […]

2022 GED Conference


The GED Testing Service Annual Conference is on July 13-15, 2022, at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis. There will be sessions on developing workforce skills and getting the most out of the GED by pursuing a college degree and applying for higher paying jobs. Visit this website for more information!  

EdTech Center: Teaching Skills That Matter EdTech Maker Space


The goal of the first EdTech Maker Space (ETMS) project, taking place in the summer of 2022, is to curate OER and align them to four Teaching Skills That Matter topics (Civic Education, Workforce Preparation, Health Literacy, and Financial Literacy). Along the way, participants will learn strategies for OER evaluation, skills/standards alignment, collaboration with edtech, […]

VALRC: Data Office Hours (#2 for July)


Data Office Hours is an hour long, ongoing monthly meeting for anyone involved in adult ed data collection and reporting. This session provides support for policy and practice related to NRS data collection. 1st Tuesday of Each month from 2:00–3:00 p.m.    

COABE: Free Online ESOL Classes – USA Learns


Are you looking for free online resources to teach ESOL at a distance? USA Learns offers five English courses that use multimedia to teach beginning and intermediate English. The interactive activities cover listening, vocabulary, grammar, spelling, pronunciation, reading, writing, speaking, and job skills. Brainstorm ways to use these materials in your class and learn to create your […]

LINCS: Low Tech Assistive Technology: Providing an On-Ramp for Learning!


There are everyday items that can assist students with learning disabilities and other learning difficulties who may be attending your literacy program, right now. These “tools” become low-tech assistive technology (AT) aides which provide strategic support for students during instruction and help them leverage their unique neurodiverse strengths! Participants will learn about and discuss different […]

VALRC: Data Office Hours (#3 for July)


Data Office Hours is an hour long, ongoing monthly meeting for anyone involved in adult ed data collection and reporting. This session provides support for policy and practice related to NRS data collection. 1st Tuesday of Each month from 2:00–3:00 p.m.  

COABE: The Three Pillars to Successful ESOL Remote Instruction


What is the foundation for successful remote instruction? What are the considerations that will help to reach and teach ESOL students, whether remote, in-person, or some combination of the two? If you are preparing ESOL classes amidst ongoing uncertainty, this webinar will help to identify the components of an effective communication plan, discuss ways in […]

Literacy Minnesota: Working with Literacy and Beginning Level ESL Learners


Learners with limited English and literacy skills have unique needs for in-person and remote instruction. Participants will learn best practices and tips for success at this level. They’ll also get several ideas for routines, activities and resources to use in their tutoring sessions.  

LINCS: Science is the Language that Scientists Speak


Behind every equation lies a story! Teaching how to read and understand equations in our science and math classrooms can illustrate how the two are connected and can be a powerful tool to guide critical thinking. Join us this month and let’s discover the importance of reading equations!  

Literacy Minnesota: Cultural Perspectives for Diverse Adult Learners


This session explores how cultural identities and experiences impact student-instructor interactions and shape the way we make meaning of the world. Interactions are usually improved when direct instruction is adapted to a learner’s cultural needs and preferences. Participants will explore cultural perspectives and the need for cultural humility related to enhancing the outcomes of adult […]

VDOE: Workshopping Your PY22-23 IET Single Set of Learning Objectives Virtual Meeting


The VDOE and VALRC will continue to offer technical assistance on compliant IETs. This event is the first offering and it is mandatory that at least one key staff member (program manager, IET coordinator, regional specialist, or IET instructor) from each grantee attend. This will be an interactive virtual workshop on how to strengthen the […]

SABES: Introduction to Google Drive and Docs — Providing Structure for Remote ESOL Teaching and Learning


In this interactive Zoom session, attendees will explore how to use basic features of Google Drive and Docs, such as creating folders, creating documents from templates and from scratch, and setting editing privileges for learners. You will also learn how to teach English learners to use these features. This professional development activity/course is designed for teachers […]

EdTech: TSTM EdTech Maker Space Info Session


The goal of the second EdTech Maker Space (ETMS) project is to design reusable activities using tech tools that support the integration of the nine Skills That Matter. Along the way, participants will learn strategies for integrating those transferable, 21st century skills in instruction and using edtech to design reusable, adaptable learning objects.  

VALRC: Data Office Hours


Data Office Hours is an hour long, ongoing monthly meeting for anyone involved in adult ed data collection and reporting. This session provides support for policy and practice related to NRS data collection. 1st Tuesday of Each month from 2:00–3:00 p.m.    

LINCS: Teaching Adult English Learners: Principles and Practices


Come learn about the brand new LINCS online course! -- Teaching Adult English Learners: Principles and Practices! Course developer, Betsy Parrish, provides an overview of this FREE online course highlighting important principles and many effective strategies for teaching English learners.