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Search Results: distance education

Motivation & Persistence in Adult Education

by Betsy C. Mathias “What’s in it for me?” That’s a question we ask ourselves when we are choosing to take an action or not. It’s not a selfish question—it’s a process of weighing pros and cons, determining if the benefits of action are greater than the potential… Read More

CALM: The Way Math Should Be

by Heidi Schuler-Jones Adult education can be overwhelming for new teachers, especially math. Many adult education teachers learn quickly that we don’t choose our environment. We teach whatever is needed to whomever shows up at whatever level they are that day using whatever patchwork of materials are available in the… Read More

Using Motivational Interviewing in Adult Education

by Andjela Kaur Motivational interviewing has repeatedly been proven to be a counseling method that leads to better commitment to treatment (showing up for the next scheduled appointment). Motivational interviewing (MI) is a form of empathic dialogue for strengthening a person’s motivation and commitment to change. Read More

Corrections Included at AE&L Conference

by Matthew Rose In July, I had the privilege of attending the first annual Adult Education & Literacy (AE&L) Conference. As a person who is involved in correctional education, I was excited at the prospect of the theme—Innovate, Motivate, Integrate—and how it might impact my work and my… Read More

From the VDOE: New Solutions in New Times: Partnering to Serve Those with the Lowest Levels of Literacy

The Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA), Title II of the  Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) emphasizes that adults with the lowest levels of literacy are of high priority for service. The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) included this focus as a statewide priority… Read More

Collaboration is the Key To Success for CWIA

Career Coach Trey Hall, Success Coach Mallory Hill, Instructor Jason Spears, CDL Coordinator Joey Yates, CDL Graduate Greg Seals by Mallory Hill The Center for Workforce and Innovation of Appalachia (CWIA) is quickly becoming a leader in creating successful, skilled adults who are entering or reentering… Read More

CALM: The Way Math Should Be

by Heidi Schuler-Jones Adult education can be overwhelming for new teachers, especially math. Many adult education teachers learn quickly that we don’t choose our environment. We teach whatever is needed to whomever shows up at whatever level they are that day using whatever patchwork of materials are available in the… Read More

Teaching Skills that Matter Civics Education

This toolkit explains the definition of Civics Education according to WIOA and presents instructional strategies and lesson plans for implementing civics education in adult education. Read More

From the VDOE: New Solutions in New Times: Partnering to Serve Those with the Lowest Levels of Literacy

The Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA), Title II of the  Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) emphasizes that adults with the lowest levels of literacy are of high priority for service. The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) included this focus as a statewide priority… Read More

Refugee Integration through Digital Equity

by Mary Lynch Through its partnership with World Education and Commonwealth Catholic Charities, Literacy for Life seeks to ensure that refugees resettling in the Peninsula area have access to Internet service, devices, and digital literacy skills so that they can benefit from Literacy for Life’s existing… Read More