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Purposeful Reading for English Language Learners

This resource is generated from the VALRC Purposeful Reading for English Language Learners (ELLs) Spring 2022 webinar series. This webinar series is designed to present standards-based instruction for preparing ELLs for purposeful reading, engaging ELLs in purposeful reading, and extending purposeful reading for ELLs and is based on activities presented during the national Standards In Action 2.0 Summer 2021 training.

The Text

This resource demonstrates activities for purposeful reading using a text from The Change Agent. The text is Celebrating Freedom on Juneteenth by Inez Sadler and has been adapted to a fourth grade reading level and is appropriate for the Beginning/Low Intermediate Adult Basic Education or the Low/High Intermediate ESOL classroom. However, the goal is that instructors are able to adapt these activities to best fit the proficiency levels of their learners.

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