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diigo logoDiigo is a free social bookmarking platform that allows users to collect, annotate, and tag online resources.

What are the benefits?

  • Users can access diigo at anytime, from anywhere.
  • Users can follow users through an RSS feed.
  • Users can embed their own RSS feed into a learning management system such as Canvas, but they need an additional service called Inoreader. This service is free but it requires registration.

What are the drawbacks?

  • Users must register for diigo.
  • It is unknown what level of accessibility diigo provides.

How can it be used in education?

  • Teachers can use it to easily share resources with students.
  • Students can use it to organize information by topic for projects and research papers.
  • Teachers can use it for collaborative projects.

Sample diigo

The links in the embedded sample below open in another window.


Diigo Update: December 2016

Search and Filter Resources

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