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Search Results: digital

Collaboration is the Key To Success for CWIA

Career Coach Trey Hall, Success Coach Mallory Hill, Instructor Jason Spears, CDL Coordinator Joey Yates, CDL Graduate Greg Seals by Mallory Hill The Center for Workforce and Innovation of Appalachia (CWIA) is quickly becoming a leader in creating successful, skilled adults who are entering or reentering… Read More

Experiencing Learner Disabilities in Adult Education

by 2019 AE&L Conference Presenter Karen E. Ballengee Educators who attended the 2019 Adult Education and Literacy Conference had the opportunity to visit our Disabilities Awareness Simulation Station. The goal of the simulations was to provide education and resources for those who teach adults with disabilities. The simulations allowed… Read More

XPRIZE Communities Competition Begins April 1

by Hillary Major The “deployment phase” of the XPRIZE Communities Competition launched on April 1. For the next five months, adult learners will be able to download for free four field-tested, prize-winning mobile learning apps. As part of Team World Ed, Virginia educators have access to a variety of… Read More

App-to-Speed Learning Circles in Adult ESOL Programs

by David J. Rosen, Ed.D. A learning circle is a group led by a teacher, staff member, or volunteer facilitator whose members all share an interest in the same subject or topic. It’s a non-formal, organized study circle that includes an online course or other online learning resources. Learning… Read More

Meeting the Innovation Challenge

The Innovation Challenge Grant was announced to program managers in November of 2017, the applications were due February 1, and activities funded by the grant had to be completed by June 30. This quick turn-around grant used reallocation reserve funds from the 2016-2017 program year and was established… Read More

Workforce Preparation: Why You Should Learn More

by Heidi Silver-Pacuilla The Commonwealth of Virginia Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Combined State Plan Modifications requires that “programs receiving Adult Education and Family Literacy (AEFLA) funds deliver workforce preparation activities concurrently with adult education, correctional education, and English language acquisition activities. This emphasis on integrated… Read More


Wonderopolis®, a digital property of the National Center for Families Learning (NCFL), is a free online learning resource that invites visitors to explore an intriguing question about the world around us. Each Wonder of the Day® includes a series of fun and engaging online and offline activities. Read More

The Adult Education and DARS Connection: Where to Start?

by Rebecca Scott The Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) is a great partner to have if, like all twenty-two adult education regional programs in Virginia, you operate under performance-based funding that follows metrics for workforce participation. Does the phrase “employment and wages 2nd and… Read More

Aligning the Work of DARS and Adult Education to Benefit Virginians

by Kate Kaegi Throughout the years, the Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center (VALRC) and the Department for Aging and Rehabilitation Services (DARS) have worked together on several partnerships, projects, and grants. Our current partnership “Pathways to Careers” (Pathways) connects Virginians with disabilities to rewarding careers and job training opportunities—all… Read More

COABE: Case Management for ITP Students: A Tiered Approach for Multi-Level Participants

Internationally Trained Professionals as a subset of English language learners have specialized needs compared with the generalized population. Providers can start to serve these individuals where they are through case management by providing customized advising, career exploration, workplace preparation, digital skills, document translation and evaluation along with other intensive services. Read More