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LINCS: Adult Numeracy Network, an interview of the outgoing president, Heidi Schuler-Jones


Join LINCS for an exclusive interview with Heidi Schuler-Jones, Director of the Adult Numeracy Center at TERC and outgoing President of the Adult Numeracy Network (ANN) as she shares her insights, experiences, and expertise in the field of adult education, particularly in math and numeracy instruction. In this engaging interview, Heidi will discuss effective strategies, […]

LINCS: Microcredentialing


Can micro-credentials inform employers about prospective and incumbent employees? Join a live Zoom discussion where LINCS moderators, Chrissie Klinger, and Jacki Korengel and guest presenter Sarah Goldammer, Director of the Southern Illinois Professional Development Center, answer your questions about micro-credentialing, such as:  (1) How can employers use micro-credentialing to grow their workforce and include it […]

LINCS: Understanding Assistive Technology for Adult Learners: A Conversation with the Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs


Join this conversation with the National Assistive Technology Act Technical Assistance and Training (AT3) Center to learn what “assistive technology” means and the devices it includes. Our guest presenters are Kellie Blackwel, Marty Exline, Linda Jaco and Lyssa Prince will discuss the types of services offered by Assistive Technology Act Programs and how to access […]

LINCS: A Virtual Professional Learning Community Example


Join this live Zoom event with guest presenter Joanna Botts, Director of Morehead State Adult Education, as she delves deeper into Kentucky’s use of virtual learning communities to facilitate professional development opportunities Register here.

LINCS: Cross-Cultural Approaches to Digital Literacy


If viewed as a new language, digital literacy is similarly impacted by the cultural and social needs that a learner brings into the classroom. Join our guest presenter, Sarah Haroon Sualehi, PhD Candidate, Texas A&M, to explore what English language instructors can do to understand the social and cultural needs of your students and bridge […]

LINCS: Storytelling as an Instructional Strategy


Join the LINCS Community Teaching and Learning group for a presentation by Dr. Natalia Balyasnikova from York University, as she delves into the transformative power of storytelling in the realm of adult learning. Dr. Balyasnikova's research focuses on the English language learning experiences of older immigrants in community-based settings, utilizing innovative narrative ethnographic methods. Don't […]

LINCS: Contextualizing Employability Skills


Would you like to learn more about contextualizing employability skills for deeper learning? During the month of July, LINCS encourages adult educators to complete the 1.5 hour online/on-demand course Workforce Preparation Activities in the Classroom: Contextualizing Employability Skills for Deeper Learning. At this live event, we will further discuss what we learned in the course and […]

LINCS: Aphasia: What it is and Accommodations to Support Learners


A National Institutes of Health survey found that 84.5% of Americans have never heard the term “Aphasia”, yet there are 180,000 new aphasia cases a year in the U.S. Join us to learn about this language-based disorder and gain some instructional best practices and resources to support learners both in and outside of the classroom. […]

LINCS: I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for IET (Integrated Education and Training)


With IETs expanding all over the United States in community and correctional programs it's a great opportunity to  "scream" about all the great work everyone is doing. ADVANCE IET subject matter experts Chrissie Klinger, Wendy Scheder Black, Kate Daly Rolander will be ready to discuss how to blend all those components of IET together effectively […]

LINCS: The Mirroring Project: An Innovative Approach for Teaching English Pronunciation


Teaching pronunciation to adult English learners is important, but it can be challenging. On August 7 at 3:00 ET, join our guest presenters Suzanne Gilchrist McCurdy, ELA teacher, and Colleen M. Meyers, Education Specialist with the University of Minnesota who will introduce an innovative approach called "Mirroring," which has the potential to increase the communication skills of […]