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NEDP for Non-NEDP Staff

The most successful National External Diploma Program (NEDP) providers take a whole-agency approach to NEDP. Learners benefit when instructors, administrators, and support staff who have NOT been trained in NEDP understand the fundamentals of the program.
Join us for a one-hour crash course in NEDP for non-NEDP staff. Impress your coworkers with your fluency in NEDP terminology! Demolish your agency’s NEDP silo!

VALRC-TSTM: Civics Education PLC


Do you want to learn more about the classroom-ready lessons and other resources in the Teaching the Skills that Matter (TSTM) Toolkit? Do you want to gain ideas for incorporating […]

Boot Camp 2.0 – Building on Success

Boot Camps have proven a worthwhile strategy in providing instruction for students who are one test away from a high school credential. For many of these students, the focus has been on math. However, we know that this strategy can and will work for other areas as well.