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LINCS: Building Community in Adult Education Classrooms


To increase their likelihood of success, adult English learners need to feel accepted and welcomed in a classroom. The guest presenter, Johanna Gleason, ESL Instructor for the San Diego College […]

Literacy Minnesota: Phonics in Beginning ESL: Recommendations, Activities and Resources


Phonics–the knowledge of the sounds letters make when they are combined to make words–is essential to beginning literacy and beginning level English language instruction. But, many teachers and tutors lack the knowledge, confidence and resources to teach the topic. Attend this session to learn why phonics instruction is important and leave with several ideas for […]

Literacy Minnesota: Teaching Reading Vocabulary Remotely or In Person


Vocabulary is everyone’s favorite reading component! And helping students master reading vocabulary is a key to helping them master comprehension. But how many words should you teach? And which words are the most important? What strategies are best for helping students learn new words? How do you get students to make new words part of […]

Literacy Minnesota: Developing and Practicing Reading Fluency


Come and review the important role of fluency in reading instruction. We will discuss the three key components of reading fluency and look at a variety of activities tutors and teachers can try. We will talk about the mechanics of doing fluency practice via Zoom, Google Meet, Teams or any other remote tutoring tool (including […]

NEDP for Non-NEDP Staff

The most successful National External Diploma Program (NEDP) providers take a whole-agency approach to NEDP. Learners benefit when instructors, administrators, and support staff who have NOT been trained in NEDP understand the fundamentals of the program.
Join us for a one-hour crash course in NEDP for non-NEDP staff. Impress your coworkers with your fluency in NEDP terminology! Demolish your agency’s NEDP silo!