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Standards-based Instruction

Instructional standards provide clear expectations for educators and learners. Standards help ensure all adult learners have access to rigorous and engaging instruction that supports them in developing the skills to succeed in postsecondary training, work, and citizenship. Virginia’s state-adopted standards are the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education, supported by the English Language Proficiency Standards for Adult Education.

This page provides links to resources that support standards-based instruction, including self-paced online training that addresses the foundations of the CCRS and ELPS. These rigorous instructional standards can be found integrated into most resources and training provided by VALRC. For more information about implementing standards-based instruction and related professional development opportunities, contact VALRC staff.

Virginia Adult Education Standards

College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education (CCRS)

The  CCRS present English language arts/literacy and mathematics standards that reflect the content most relevant to preparing adult students for success in postsecondary education, technical training programs, work, and citizenship.

English Language Proficiency Standards for Adult Education (ELPS)

The ELPS provide standards and guidance for supporting multilingual learners in developing English language proficiency and reaching college and career readiness goals.

Supporting Standards-based Instruction: Tools for Educators

CCR Observation Tools

These tools provide concrete examples of what the CCRS and ELPS look like in daily planning and practice. Each observation tool includes five core actions to help determine whether curriculum and learning activities are standards-aligned, lessons are engaging and well-sequenced, and student understanding is monitored appropriately.

Aggregation and Summary of Observation Data Tool

This spreadsheet compiles observation data from multiple classrooms order to help identify trends and set professional development priorities. 

CCR Standards-in-Action Videos from LINCS

These videos show CCRS-aligned instruction filmed in real adult education classrooms. They can be shared with educators as examples of standards-based instruction and used to help train observers in the use of CCR Observation Tools.

CCRS Resource Alignment Tools

These rubrics are designed to help educators evaluate the CCRS alignment of curricular materials and may also be useful in reviewing lesson plans. They include criteria to consider and suggested high-value actions for closing any identified gaps in standards-based instruction.

Becoming Familiar with the Standards: Resources for Educators

CCRS English Language Arts/Literacy (ELA) Anchor Standards

This PDF provides a concise list of the reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language standards that apply across all CCRS levels. It also includes the anchors for foundational reading skills such as phonics and fluency.

CCRS Math: Major Work of the Levels

The two-page Major Work of the Levels handout highlights focus areas in the mathematics standards, summarizing the core content of the math CCRS.

CCRS Math Content Progressions

This document arranges the mathematics standards by domain or topic (e.g., all geometry standards) from foundational to advanced knowledge and skills in each topic area.

CCRS Standards for Mathematical Practice

This page collects resources that provide useful aids in understanding and teaching the eight Standards for Mathematical Practice, which apply across all levels of the CCRS math standards.

Meeting the Language Needs of Today’s Adult English Language Learner

The guide from LINCS provides examples of approaches, strategies, and lesson ideas that lead to more engaging, rigorous, and effective English language instruction. It unpacks the CCRS English language arts/literacy key advances and provides practical suggestions for teaching multilingual learners.  

Introductions to Standards-based Instruction: Self-paced, Online Training

LINCS Self-paced Courses on Standards-based Instruction for English Language Learners

The national LINCS Learning Portal offers several self-paced courses that introduce educators to the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) and provide training on standards-aligned instruction for adult English language learners.

Pennsylvania’s Introduction to the CCRS and Key Shifts

Pennsylvania provides a wealth of quality CCRS-related resources that can also be freely accessed by adult educators in other states. The self-paced modules in Section 3: Introduction to the CCRS and Key Shifts provide an introduction to CCRS and how they pertain to instruction.