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Virginia IET Blueprint

This Integrated Education and Training (IET) blueprint is adapted from the PluggedInVA model, a career pathways program that integrates academic and literacy skills, workforce preparation activities, and occupational training through simultaneous co-enrollment in adult education and postsecondary education and training. The site includes program planning and instructional resources for all skill levels, as well as information on what kinds of IET programs are being implemented in regions around the state. For a printable collection of resources and guidance on IET, click on the IET Roadmap.

What you’ll find on this site:

  • checklists with resources for all phases of planning, implementing, and evaluating IET programs;
  • definitions and resources for designing IET programs, including resources for English learners;
  • instructional resources for all skill levels within an IET; and
  • technical assistance and training resources to help plan and implement IET for any population of adult learners.

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