2023, Volume 33, No. 3, December Issue
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Those of us who have the privilege to work with newcomers to our country know the JOY that comes from helping individuals learn about the United States and how to integrate into society. We are truly enriched as we engage with cultures from around the world and very often learn just as much, if not more, from the learners we teach. In this issue of PROGRESS, we hear from educators who focus on civics instruction. Effective civic education can empower learners to make a difference in their governments and in their communities—and meaningful civic participation can go a long way toward making our learners and the communities where they live more connected to essential resources and opportunities. Fortunately for adult learners in Virginia, we have strong programs around the state that are doing great things to engage learners in civic participation. Dig into this issue to learn more about what these programs are doing.
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