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Search Results: distance education

A Career Pathway for Adult Educators

by Marjorie Lampkin We all talk about and emphasize career pathways for our adult learners, but what about for ourselves? Do you aspire to move toward leadership in your adult ed program? Have you ever considered what that pathway might look like? In 2000, I entered the world… Read More

A Conversation with Danielle Perry, Region 21’s IET Coordinator

by Kate Daly Rolander Adult education programs around the state of Virginia are developing and implementing innovative integrated education and training (IET) programs with a range of partners across an even larger range of industries. In this issue of PROGRESS, we focus on what adult education in Region 21,… Read More

Meet Dollar General Literacy Foundation’s Student of the Year: Bushiri Salumu

by Elizabeth Severson-Irby This year at the ProLiteracy conference, Bushiri Salumu was named Dollar General’s Student of the Year, an award given to an outstanding adult learner. Bushiri is that and more, and his story is one of resilience, perseverance, and courage. He was born and… Read More

Meeting the Innovation Challenge

The Innovation Challenge Grant was announced to program managers in November of 2017, the applications were due February 1, and activities funded by the grant had to be completed by June 30. This quick turn-around grant used reallocation reserve funds from the 2016-2017 program year and was established… Read More

A United Voice

The purpose of this section of PROGRESS is to raise awareness about important issues affecting adult education and provide informational talking points for workforce partner collaboration. The National Association of State Directors of Adult Education (NASDAE) NASDAE is a professional organization… Read More

Enhancing Access for Refugees and New Americans (EARN) Resources

This resource provides information on the federal EARN project as well as tips and strategies that adult education programs in Virginia are using to enhance access to refugees and new Americans on the state and program level. The National EARN Project “The Enhancing Access for Refugees and New Americans project… Read More

Southside Virginia Community College Adult Education

Covers the counties of Amelia, Buckingham, Charlotte, Cumberland, Lunenburg, Nottoway, and Prince Edward Read More

A Look at the 2016-2017 Virginia Adult Education Performance Data

by Heidi Silver-Pacuilla and Thomas Suh The data is in for 2016-2017! This and future columns in the PROGRESS newsletter will examine the Virginia adult education performance data and raise questions for us to consider as practitioners. As you read about the statewide reports and percentages, ask whether… Read More

Workforce Preparation: Why You Should Learn More

by Heidi Silver-Pacuilla The Commonwealth of Virginia Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Combined State Plan Modifications requires that “programs receiving Adult Education and Family Literacy (AEFLA) funds deliver workforce preparation activities concurrently with adult education, correctional education, and English language acquisition activities. This emphasis on integrated… Read More

Have You Heard about the Sector Strategies and Career Pathways Academy?

by Virginia Department of Education staff Virginia received a grant from the U.S. Department of Labor to cross-train practitioners from the workforce development partner agencies on sector strategies and career pathways. This will facilitate collaboration of regional networks of colleagues on workforce development initiatives with common understandings and goals… Read More