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Search Results: distance education

ELPS for Adult Educators Course Syllabus

ELPS for Adult Educators Course Syllabus Course Description and Overview: ELPS for Adult Educators is a four-week, asynchronous online course that will provide participants with an overview of the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) for Adult Education (AE) report that was released to the field of adult education in October… Read More

Adult Education & Family Literacy Act Definitions & Acronyms

This resource contains definitions and acronyms for common terms used in adult education. Read More

Math Phobia: You Don’t Have to Be an Expert

by Pamela Stolz Math, a simple four-letter word that can elicit a large range of emotions, from excitement to complete panic attacks, and everything in between. Often, professional development sessions are created to help instructors teach math. But what if the instructor has some level of inexperience, some math… Read More

Using an Experiential Approach to Teach Soft Skills to Beginning Adult Education Learners

by 2019 AE&L Conference Presenter MaryAnn Cunningham Florez Preparing English language learners for workplace and career success involves not only language development, but also helping learners develop the soft skills they need to meet inherent expectations in the American workplace. Employers regularly cite soft skills as a priority in… Read More

Kentucky Adult Education Lesson Bank

This extensive lesson plan bank features lessons aligned to the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education. Lessons and units address language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies as well as financial literacy and employability skills, including some workplace contextualized units. Educators will… Read More

Helping Adult Learners Reach the Goal of Financial Stability

by Leslie Bradner Unexpected car repairs. Bloated cell phone bills. A big grocery haul for visiting family. These are the kinds of topics that my in-person GED® class discussed pre-COVID during breaks and after class. Even now, the stressors of working extra shifts or losing work or… Read More

Mathematics and Numeracy: Featured Instructional Resources

The terms mathematics and numeracy can be used interchangeably, although “numeracy” tends to be used when the focus is on applying math and mathematical thinking in everyday life situations. Both mathematics and numeracy require knowledge and skill with math procedures as well as critical thinking, problem solving, and quantitative reasoning. Read More

LINCS: Building Community in Adult Education Classrooms

To increase their likelihood of success, adult English learners need to feel accepted and welcomed in a classroom. The guest presenter, Johanna Gleason, ESL Instructor for the San Diego College of Continuing Education will equip teachers with several tips and tools for building a welcoming classroom community that supports learners… Read More

The Teachable Moment

by Vici Garber The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act brought change to our adult education classrooms. The legislation broadened our focus from basic skills and test prep to incorporate workplace skills and job obtainment. For many instructors, this change has been a challenge, requiring a new way of thinking… Read More