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LINCS Self-Paced Courses on Standards-Based Instruction for English Language Learners

The national LINCS Learning Portal offers several self-paced courses that provide training on standards-aligned instruction for adult English language learners. These modules can be found in both the English Language Acquisition and Teaching and Learning topic areas and include:

English Language Proficiency Standards Module 1: Introduction to the ELP Standards for Adult Education

This module provides an understanding of why and how the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) were selected and how they are organized. It also explains what these standards entail as well as why and how they relate to state-adopted academic content standards.

English Language Proficiency Standards Module 2: Analyzing Student Tasks in Relation to Content Demands, Thinking Skills, and Language Use and Module 3: Digging Deeper Into the English Language Proficiency Standards for Adult Education

These modules focus on a task analysis process that helps educators understand the content knowledge, analytical skills, and language demands of instructional tasks as well as how well aligned those tasks are to the demands of academic content standards.

Meeting the Needs of Today’s Adult English Language Learners

This self-paced professional development module addresses the increasingly complex language and critical thinking skills adult English language learners (ELLs) need to succeed in today’s world. The overarching goal of this module is to give professionals who work with adult ELLs the tools to provide rigorous instruction that will help all learners transition to new opportunities. The module’s four units address increasing rigor, teaching academic language, teaching reading and listening strategies with nonfiction text, and promoting critical thinking.


Educators require free LINCS accounts to view most of these resources. More information about LINCS and how to access these learning modules can be found under Platforms.

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