Welcome! Read the latest issue of PROGRESS, featuring "The Science of Reading" in Virginia. Read PROGRESS


LINCS: Exploring How IET Design Camp Prompted Program Changes


Hear from peers in the field about how professional development around Integrated Education and Training (IET) helped them improve the programming and services that are offered to adult learners. Our panelists include IET design camp leaders and participants from five different states. This is a live event and participants will have an opportunity to ask […]

LINCS: Building Effective Intake Processes for Remote and In-Person Students


The first connection adult learners have with the adult education program typically occurs during an intake process. Join this interactive discussion and discover ideas for streamlining the intake process for both in person students and students who wish to access services remotely. Register Here



This webinar will prepare advocates to contact their mayors, governors, and federal members of congress during Adult Education and Family Literacy Week. Talk to your legislator to help move the needle for funding for adult education at the local, state, and federal levels. At a time when funding is so critically needed, we need YOU […]

VALRC: Data Office Hours


Data Office Hours is an hour long, ongoing monthly meeting for anyone involved in adult ed data collection and reporting. This session provides support for policy and practice related to NRS data collection. 1st Tuesday of Each month from 2:00–3:00 p.m.

VALRC: Data Office Hours


Data Office Hours is an hour long, ongoing monthly meeting for anyone involved in adult ed data collection and reporting. This session provides support for policy and practice related to NRS data collection. 1st Tuesday of Each month from 2:00–3:00 p.m. Registration Link

LINCS: Math for Today’s Workforce: How Do We Contextualize Math?


How do you develop the teaching practices of Math and Numeracy practitioners? What strategies do you use when supporting adult educators? Join Brooke Istas and Kathy Tracey as we engage in a field directed conversation about promising practices and research-based strategies used to contextualize math instruction and help learners increase their math and numeracy proficiency.

EdTech Center Strategy Sessions: Statewide Micro-Credentials for IET + Tech Integration in Program Practices


In the first lightning talk, hear about Maine’s All Learning Counts initiative to implement a micro-credentialing framework for Integrated Education and Training (IET) programs. Megan Dichter will share what the framework looks like now, lessons they’re learning along the way, and how the work is evolving. Following Megan’s lightning talk, the Transforming Immigrant Digital Equity […]

LINCS: Project-Based Learning in ABE and ESL Classes


Projects that integrate technology are a powerful way to give ABE and English learners real-world work preparation. Students can build their knowledge of many topics while developing oral and written communication skills. Carefully-planned projects address standards, support the development of critical soft skills, and give learners a sense of empowerment, not to mention tech skills! […]

VALRC: Teaching Writing: Beyond the Blank Page or Screen


This webinar reviews foundational, evidence-based practices for writing instruction and focuses on practical strategies that encourage learners to produce more writing.  Register here or using the link below. The Teaching Writing series is targeted at ABE/ASE English language arts instructors, but anyone who teaches writing is welcome to participate.

LINCS: USA Learns’ New Integration ESL Course


Join Andrea Willis of USA Learns and ESL Teacher Jenni Santamaria to learn about a new and innovative web-based instructional resource that provides interactive language learning opportunities to immigrant and refugee English learners. We’ll consider how to tailor and use this FREE resource to support learner language learning and integration goals.

Literacy Minnesota: Developing and Practicing Reading Fluency


This webinar will focus on the three key components of reading fluency and look at a variety of activities tutors and teachers can try. The facilitators and participants will talk about the mechanics of doing fluency practice via Zoom, Google Meet, Teams or any other remote tutoring tool (including the phone!). Participants will have plenty […]

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