Welcome! Read the latest issue of PROGRESS, featuring innovative practices taking place across Virginia. Read PROGRESS


Literacy Minnesota: Teaching Citizenship Webinar


The webinar will cover methods for teaching citizenship both in-person and online, led by Literacy Minnesota’s Citizenship Teacher, Jessica Horning. During this webinar, Jessica will go over the different parts of the citizenship interview - personal information questions, yes/no questions, 100 civics questions, reading and writing - and how she teaches them in both learning environments. […]

VALRC: Serving Refugees PLC


This PLC connects adult education practitioners (regional specialists, ESOL coordinators, instructors, tutors, etc.) who are or expect to serve the refugee population to discuss strategies and resources for working with this specific population. The focus of this session is culturally responsive practices to support instructing refugees. Registration for this event is now closed. Please sign up for our VAELN listserv […]

Teaching Skills That Matter Maker Space Info Session


This webinar introduces upcoming opportunities to be part of the Teaching the Skills that Matter (TSTM) EdTech Maker Space initiative.  Starting in June 2022, the EdTech Center at World Education will be running a series of seven EdTech Maker Space projects. The goal of the projects is to offer service learning experiences for adult education teachers […]

VALRC: Family Literacy PLC


The Family Literacy PLC is a working group for programs awarded the family literacy planning grant. This group is also working with the National Center for Families Learning, a national organization dedicated to multigenerational learning within families.



The Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center is facilitating a Professional Learning Community (PLC) on Integrated Education and Training (IET) and Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IELCE) for practitioners who are currently implementing or planning to implement IET programming, including IELCE and PluggedInVA. In addition to topics identified in the exit tickets, this session will focus on supporting […]

VALRC: Data Office Hours


Data Office Hours is an hour long, ongoing monthly meeting for anyone involved in adult ed data collection and reporting. This session provides support for policy and practice related to NRS data collection. 1st Tuesday of Each month from 2:00–3:00 p.m.

VALRC: Teacher Leader 201 PLC


The Teacher Leader 201 PLC series is a continuation of the Teacher Leader 101 PLC series. This PLC focuses on supporting educators set and implement a goal for improving their practice.

OCTAE: National Dialogue on IELCE and Immigrant Integration


Join leadership from the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in a national dialogue on the topic of Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education/Integrated Education and Training programming and its connection to immigrant integration and inclusion. The event also will introduce OCTAE’s Enhancing Access to Refugees and […]

EdTech: Staying Healthy EdTech Maker Space Project Showcase


In partnership with Florida Literacy Coalition, EdTech ran the Staying Healthy! EdTech Maker Space in which educators adapted activities from the Staying Healthy ESOL Health Literacy curriculum using Jamboard, Quizlet, and Wakelet, and aligned other language learning, reading, and listening resources to the curriculum. During this webinar, EdTech will showcase what was accomplished and how […]

LINCS: How the Brain Learns to Read


Have you ever wondered how the brain learns to read? Find out and use this knowledge to improve your reading instruction during a live one-hour event with subject matter expert Meredith Liben.  

LINCS: Coffee Break: Meeting Student Social, Emotional, & Learning Needs in Mathematics


Join the Math and Numeracy community of practice in an informal Coffee Break on the Social, Emotional Learning needs of Adult Numeracy and Mathematics Learners. The moderator will walk participants through the research and practical ways of meeting the SEL needs of our learners.  This informal session is a group discussion.  Participants will be expected […]