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ProLiteracy: Developing Sentence Structure: Techniques for Beginning to Advanced English Learners


Often tutors and teachers will dive into sentence structure that is too advanced for students’ level. Join Steven as he discusses how to introduce strategies to help students master sentence structure. We will cover strategies for crafting simple, compound, and complex sentences; avoiding common mistakes; and teaching and applying grammatical rules effectively. This session is […]

LINCS: Learning About Dyslexia and Supporting Learners in the Classroom


Dyslexia is a specific learning disability in reading characterized by difficulties with word recognition and poor spelling and decoding abilities. Estimates of dyslexia fall in the range of 5 to 20 percent of the population. Join LINCS Moderator, Michael Cruse, Learners with Disabilities group to learn why this range is so broad, options for screening […]

EdTech Strategy Sessions: Fast PD and Media Creation


Staying ahead of technology trends is tough for busy teachers, but we’ve got you covered! Join EdTech for two dynamic lightning talks designed to fit into your packed schedule. First, join Rachel Riggs to learn how microlearning makes professional development quick and effective, and take home free resources to replicate the process. Then, join Justine Schade to discover […]

Bimonthly Program Managers Meeting

This year's bimonthly program managers meetings will be held on Mondays at 1:30p - 3:00p with an optional 30 minutes for discussion. Registering once will enable you to join ALL of the meetings for the 2024 - 2025 year. Please save these dates on your calendars for the meetings: September 16 November 18 January 13 […]

VALRC: LACES data analysis session


Join a group of Virginia practitioners for a hands-on experience working with data in the LACES system. Register here

CASAS: Digital Essentials for NEDP


Join this one-hour "how-to" session to explore alternative digital tools to enhance NEDP competencies. We'll dive into resume templates in Canva, creating charts and graphs in Google Sheets, designing and presenting slideshows in Google Slides, and understanding Google Drive—what it is and how clients might use it. Register here.

CASAS: Digital Essentials for NEDP


Join this one-hour "how-to" session to explore alternative digital tools to enhance NEDP competencies. We'll dive into resume templates in Canva, creating charts and graphs in Google Sheets, designing and presenting slideshows in Google Slides, and understanding Google Drive—what it is and how clients might use it. Register here.

Workforce GPS: Digital Literacy and Resilience: Resources to Support Digital Skill-Building


Join this event to hear from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration (DOL ETA), U.S. Department of Education (ED), Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), and U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) about a summary of public feedback from the Digital Literacy and Resilience Request for Information […]

Virtual Virginia #2: Canvas Administration

The second part of a two-part series to support Canvas administrators to navigate the Genius and Canvas systems to set up courses, enroll learners, and then to add course content for the adult education Virtual Va courses.

NEDP PLC: Outreach


This session of the Virginia NEDP Professional Learning Community will focus on outreach and marketing. Trainers will introduce the NEDP Marketing Plan template and discuss target audience identification, budget-friendly digital marketing strategies, and free NEDP outreach/marketing resources. Register here.

How Urban AFE Networks Support Immigrant and Refugee Communities: Updates from Roanoke, Virginia and Grand Rapids, Michigan


Representatives of two urban adult foundational education networks or partnerships will describe the immigrant and refugee communities they try to support, how those networks are working with partners to serve them and lessons the partnerships have learned along the way. This follows up on two Urban Alliance immigration-focused Greenhouse Meetings (Webinars) held on October 11 […]