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True Beauty is Found Not in the Exception But in the Common Place

by Afaf

Do we need true beauty? If we find it, how will it affect our life? From my experiences I found beauty in everything I have done. For example: cooking, sitting with my family, reading, and even sometimes doing nothing.

The true beauty for me is found when sitting with my family especially during lunch time. It’s the only time we are all together after my daughter comes back from school. It is not only a moment that we shared the delicious food I cooked with love. But also, we are discussing what happened during the day, especially with regards to my daughter’s school. The conversations are in our language, Arabic; we enjoy doing that, so that our daughter doesn’t forget it and practice more. Moreover, in our multipurpose meeting we discuss what is going on in our country and if anything, special news in the world. It lasts for one hour or more and it depends on how my husband slept after coming home from his night work. Also, we put our plan for the remaining hours of the day and how we can enjoy it; sometimes we are planning for the whole week too. That not only means knowing what happens for them as a detective, but also feeling I am sharing with them every minute they spend away from me.

I love to cook pastries and sweets especially when I am alone and have nothing to do. I relax and my mood totally changes as I empty all my energy. I hardly remember my tiredness when I see my family smiling and laughing like a baby. It really makes my day, and it’s worth all the effort. That encourages me and gives me fuel to continue my journey in life. Reading
my favorite books or reading with my daughter changes both of us towards the importance of what we are reading and how to love reading from hard copy not from online. Sometimes I feel happy while I’m doing nothing, only relaxing on the couch dreaming after a warm shower and hot chocolate beside me.

We can find true beauty everywhere if we want. If we are at peace with ourselves and feel beauty inside ourselves, the true beauty is found not in the exception but in the common place.

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