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My Life Story

by Sonia Habibzada

My childhood and adolescent

I was born in an Afghan and Muslim family. As Afghanistan past 3 decades war. So, My family immigrated during the war to Pakistan. I spent my childhood in Pakistan. I have three brothers and I don’t have any sister. My father is an engineer and my mom is a teacher and they are the best parents in the world. They have always supported me. Even though my parents had a very difficult times during immigration because they lost their home, their work and they just start a new life from scratch but they always tried their best to pay their children’s tuition fee in order to have a bright future.

I completed my elementary school in Pakistan. Always had a dream to become an engineer.

We moved back to Afghanistan because on that time Taliban was kicked out by the American forces.

During this situation girls had their rights so I started taking some English and computer classes beside my school.

I graduated from high school as topper.

My university and work period

I got selected in the Kabul University in my desired major which was ICT.

Unfortunately I was the only girl among 40 boys in my class. This is because some families forbid their girls to pursue education in engineering sectors.

When I was in 4th semesters I got an internship in a telecommunication corporation. I worked there for 3 months it was one of the best part of me life because I got my first salary from there.

I did my best during all the semesters. based on my grades I got selected in a scholarship to France. I have been in France for 2 months and I did research on smart containers in Lyon 2 university.

I got a chance to explore Europe, So, During my vacations I went to the Italy, Switzerland and Germany.

I found Paris the most beautiful city.

I came back to my home country and then I graduated from ICT Engineering successfully.

After my graduation I got a job as a NSS Engineer in a telecommunication corporation.

Fortunately I had many achievements during my work period as well.

I was selected as an ICT Girl by Afghanistan Ministry of Telecommunication.

I have had a training in Japan for 15 days.

I got promoted to supervisor position.

I got engaged with a very hardworking and kind man who was my coworker. My fiance got Fulbright scholarship and came to the US for completion of his master’s degree.

My marriage life

After 2 years we got married. So, I opened a new chapter of my life, Everything were perfect in our life and we made our dream home. we were blessed with everything around us.

Three months later on 15th August. when I was working in the office my colleagues came to me and said leave the office as soon as possible because the Taliban are coming. so, I did. Everyone was shocked and the city was so crowded by people, All people seemed very disappointed and it was the worst day for the Afghan people. Barely I found transportation and came home.

I could not go to my office anymore. All Afghanistan was Occupied by the Taliban and they denied women for going to their works.

My husband and I left Afghanistan on 24th August and came to the United States.

We have been in a military camp which is called Fort Dix for almost 3 months.

Based on US government’s decision we went to Oklahoma. Then my husband got a job and we moved to Virginia.

When I became a mom

Soorah, My baby girl, was born in 17th May 2022.

She is so sweet. I love her the most. She is the one who gave me a new life. She is six months old now.