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I Am From Verona

by Lara Soriolo

black-and-white photo of the author, smiling toward cameraMy name is Lara, I’m from Verona, Italy. Verona is a small city but it is nice, it’s famous for the Shakespeare story Romeo e Giulietta. It’s possible to go to Giulietta’s house, in particular the famous balcony where she met Romeo, and it is possible to visit their tomb, too.

Verona is a romantic city, you can walk in a long boulevard with typical restaurants, pizzerias, bars, parks, lots of churches and shopping, too. In the morning, people take a cappuccino or caffe espresso, sitting outside in the bar or bakery.

Verona is famous for red wine too, like Amarone Valpolicella. Valpolicella is a city between the Garda Lake and Verona.

Verona has historical arenas from Roman times, usually in the summer there are shows like opera, concerts and music.

I miss my country because of my friends and parents, food like risotto with porcini e tartufo, tortellini and pizza, too.

I recommend you go if you want to take a vacation, every time of the year Verona is good.

Author’s Note: My name is Lara, I’m from Verona, Italy. I am a student at Blue Ridge Literacy.