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A Woman I Admire

by Janine Boon

I have met so many women in my life that I admire. But today it’s not about them, it’s about me. I admire myself.

I have been through the storm and I have learned how to dance in the rain. Growing up wasn’t so perfect at times. I lost people close to my heart that meant the world to me. I raised two young men by myself as a single parent. That wasn’t an easy task. Yes, we struggle at times. I had major surgeries in my life. It’s this thing called a brain aneurysm. I had five of them. I used to suffer from major headaches. One night, I hit the floor and woke up to a doctor telling me that I was bleeding in the brain. No, I didn’t know anything about aneurysms, until after the fact. I’ve learned that it can cause you to have a stroke, brain damage, and even death. I’ve also learned it can happen again. They say it’s hereditary. Yeah, life’s crazy, right? That’s not the only thing. I also had open heart surgery a couple of years ago. Your heart and brain are two of the most important organs you need. And after all that, I’m still standing.

“God is so good!” even though I have setbacks at times, I still manage to push through. I admire myself. I am a phenomenal woman. I am so thankful for God’s grace. From a quote I have read: “God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers.” I guess I’m just one of those soldiers!