Accommodations for GED® Test Takers
from the VDOE Adult Education Team
The following information highlights resources and FAQs available on the GED Testing Service® (GEDTS) Accommodations webpage to help test takers and their advocates navigate the accommodations request process. We know that for many of our students, transportation and fitting classes into their schedule are significant barriers. Our students have the option of in-person or Zoom classes, with our Zoom classes being more popular by a ratio of more than 5 to 1. Our Zoom classes are offered both in the morning and the evening using the same Zoom link, so if a student who normally attends the morning class is unable to come on a given day, they can attend the same class that evening.
The GEDTS (2024) endeavors to provide reasonable and appropriate accommodations to individuals with documented physical, mental, sensory, or cognitive disabilities who demonstrate a need for accommodations. The purpose of accommodations is to provide test takers with full access to the GED® test. The GEDTS Accommodations team manages requests through a centralized review and approval process.
Accommodations are available for the following disability categories:
- Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder
- Learning and Cognitive Disorders
- Psychological and Psychiatric Disorders
- Physical Disabilities and Chronic Health Conditions
What types of accommodations are available? Some commonly requested accommodations include extended testing time, extra breaks, private testing room, and reader/recorder. Students can submit a request via their account. Additional information and step-by-step instructions for submitting a request is available on the Accommodations webpage.
What type of documentation does a test taker need? Detailed information about documentation guidelines for each disability type along with a description of evaluator qualifications (e.g., who is qualified to be an evaluator and provide a candidate with documentation of their disability) is also on the Accommodations webpage under Documentation Guidelines. Before submitting a request, it is recommended that the test taker provide the appropriate documentation guidelines to their doctor or psychologist to evaluate.
Did you know that GEDTS also has a Comfort Aid List, which contains personal items and minor modifications that do not require pre-approval? The list includes items such as medicine and medical devices, mobility devices, and other approved items. Additionally, any test taker can modify what their test looks like on their computer screen to make it easier to read. They are allowed to highlight text, change screen color combinations, and increase the font size. These small adjustments can make a big difference for a test taker.
GED® Test On-Screen Computer Guides are available on the Accommodations page along with the complete list of Comfort Aid items, a list of lower costs testing clinics that provide disability testing and evaluation, and commonly asked questions about the process of requesting accommodations.
Have additional questions? Reach out to the GEDTS Accommodations team at [email protected].
GED Testing Service®. (2024). Accommodations.