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Search Results: distance education

Elizabeth Severson-Irby

In my role as Literacy Specialist, I provide leadership for instruction and program management in Virginia’s adult education and literacy programs, working with both public and private agencies and educational programs to ensure that adults have access to the educational resources they need. These activities include providing information and guidance… Read More

Program Improvement through Adult Leadership Training

by Katherine Hansen Are you looking for a way to cultivate adult learner leaders in your program while at the same time improving upon your program offerings? Virginia has been instrumental in piloting VALUEUSA’s Leadership Training for Adult Learners based on Margaret Patterson’s award winning research on student involvement… Read More

From Adult Education to Community College

by Dana Hathorn “We have to make a concerted effort to provide experiences where students can learn from and share with each other, as well as build on the strengths and weaknesses of one another.” As a member of the Virginia Community College System Tidewater Community College (TCC) is… Read More

From the VDOE: EdEquity & Community Engagement

The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) recognizes that education is our most effective tool to reduce poverty, address racism, and sustain economic advancement for all Virginians. The Commonwealth is committed to ensuring that students and families in Virginia, regardless of  their race, economic status, or the languages they speak at… Read More

Strategies for Improving Student Retention

“As a team, it was important to us for our project to speak to both learner and program interests, concerns, and issues.” Team Retention Remix by Alonzo Ricks Team Members Project Summary: Debbie Elliott, Cornerstone Learning Center, Campbell County Public Schools Dr. Marie Shepherd, Portsmouth Public… Read More

From the VDOE: EdEquity & Community Engagement

The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) recognizes that education is our most effective tool to reduce poverty, address racism, and sustain economic advancement for all Virginians. The Commonwealth is committed to ensuring that students and families in Virginia, regardless of  their race, economic status, or the languages they speak at… Read More

Civics Objectives (California Department of Education)

This list of civics objectives, developed by the California Department Education, provides guidance for integrating civics education into the adult education program and classroom. Read More

A Conversation with Tommy Clements

Tommy Clements, who currently serves as the Dean of Applied Science and Technology at Mountain Empire Community College, has been a steadfast and valued partner of adult education over the last decade. A little over nine years ago, he partnered with two local adult education programs—Regional Adult and… Read More

Overcoming Barriers to Adult Education: Strengths-Based Strategies for Effective Enrollment and Retention

This information guide suggests practical strategies that can help refugee and immigrant adult learners continue their education. It includes English Language Proficiency (ELP), academic learning, vocational/career education, cultural orientation, financial and digital literacy, parenting, and more. This is a free resource, but it does require a… Read More