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ATLAS: Proportional Reasoning: Strategies that Make Sense


This session will explore our own intuition about how to reason proportionally and learn to generalize those ideas into a strategy that works even when the numbers get messy – and that makes sense! Presented by Sarah Lonberg-Lew, Adult Numeracy Center at TERC. Visit this website for more information!   

ATLAS: Spring 2022 ABE Virtual Conference


This virtual conference will offer sessions on virtual instruction, ELA, Math, HSE, and equity in adult basic education. Visit this website for more information!  

Atlas ABE: Learning Math Asynchronously: Best Practices, Resources and More


Students have incredibly busy schedules and this can prevent them from attending scheduled classes to meet their needs. In the past, we may have simply offered students access to a distance learning platform. Today we have access to a variety of tools and resources to provide students with a more interactive and robust learning experience. […]