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April 2024


The 2024 VAACE annual conference is in person this year in Charlottesville October 21 - 23. Read More

March 2024

The Little Things You Can Do to Make a Big Impact on GED® Math Performance

The Little Things You Can Do to Make a Big Impact on GED® Math Performance Read More

February 2024

Boot Camp 2.0 – Building on Success

Boot Camps have proven a worthwhile strategy in providing instruction for students who are one test away from a high school credential. For many of these students, the focus has been on math. However, we know that this strategy can and will work for other areas as well. Read More

January 2024

ProLiteracy: “What are They Really Saying?” Helping Students Read Between the Lines and Make Inferences

Students preparing for the HSE exams often focus too much on what’s explicitly present in a text. This may allow them to recall specific details and find evidence, but it… Read More

August 2022

Teaching Writing: Argument

This webinar explores how teachers can support learners in developing and writing arguments, including the GED® Reasoning through Language Arts essay. The Teaching Writing series is targeted at ABE/ASE English… Read More