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edWeb: Phonemic Awareness in Older Learners: Bridging the Gap


Designed for K12 educators, reading specialists, and literacy advocates, this session will explore how phonemic awareness instruction can be a game-changer for older students who need support with word reading. […]

LINCS: A Virtual Professional Learning Community Example


Join this live Zoom event with guest presenter Joanna Botts, Director of Morehead State Adult Education, as she delves deeper into Kentucky’s use of virtual learning communities to facilitate professional […]

LINCS: Cross-Cultural Approaches to Digital Literacy


If viewed as a new language, digital literacy is similarly impacted by the cultural and social needs that a learner brings into the classroom. Join our guest presenter, Sarah Haroon […]

LINCS: Storytelling as an Instructional Strategy


Join the LINCS Community Teaching and Learning group for a presentation by Dr. Natalia Balyasnikova from York University, as she delves into the transformative power of storytelling in the realm […]

VDOE 2024 Data Office Hours


An (optional) Office Hour for discussing how programs might incorporate the Portal into their student intake and data flow will be held July 22, 1:30-3 p.m. Join at this link, […]

2024 GED Conference


GED Testing Service®'s annual conference offers opportunities for learning, inspiration, and new perspectives. The 2024 Conference will be held in Long Beach, California. Offerings include a Train the Trainer session, […]

LINCS: Contextualizing Employability Skills


Would you like to learn more about contextualizing employability skills for deeper learning? During the month of July, LINCS encourages adult educators to complete the 1.5 hour online/on-demand course Workforce Preparation […]

LACES Data Training – Invitation only

The Arboretum 300 Arboretum Place, Richmond, VA

By invitation only, more information is forthcoming. Please be sure to visit the LACES resource page for updates.

The Science of Reading: A Blueprint for Comprehension Instruction


It’s time to face the facts and recognize the reality that the Science of Reading does address comprehension and instructional practice. This knowledge can and should be used to inform the design and delivery of informed instruction for all students. During this edWebinar, we will:

> Discuss what the evidence has revealed about the nature of comprehension and the critical contributors to comprehension
> Explore a blueprint, an instructional framework, that addresses planning for the acquisition of essential language skills and knowledge sources necessary for making meaning of text
> Share examples of instructional routines and activities that support teaching, practicing, and applying critical skills and knowledge based on the demands of the text

Presented by Nancy Hennessy, M.Ed., Literacy Consultant; and Julia Salamone, M.Ed., Instructional Specialist, The Haverford School for Boys (PA)
Sponsored by Brookes Publishing
