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COABE: Recognizing and Responding to Dyslexia in Adults


Most adults with dyslexia don't even know they have it. During this interactive webinar, Laura will provide attendees with information about dyslexia and share a simple screening instrument to identify characteristics of dyslexia in adults. She will provide research-based reading instruction methods and additional resources that are highly effective for adult learners with dyslexia. Register […]

LINCS: Strategies and Resources for Supporting Highly Skilled Immigrants


Are you looking for strategies and resources to support immigrants who are highly skilled? Join our live event with Stefanie Vasquez from World Education Services on May 28, 2024 from 3-4 pm. Participants will leave this event with resources and strategies to better support English learners with accessing and progressing along career pathways in the […]

COABE: The Little Things You Can Do to Make a Big Impact on GED® Math Performance


Sometimes it’s the little things students ignore that could mean the difference between passing or failing the GED® Mathematical Reasoning Test. This session will focus on what teachers need to pay attention to in terms of what students do during problem solving exercises that could help significantly improve students’ performance on the test. This session […]

LINCS: Reading, Writing, and Workforce Prep


Do you wonder which reading and writing skills are essential for the workplace? Find out in this LINCS webinar, Reading, Writing, and Workforce Prep on May 30 at 3 PM ET. Join moderators Chrissie Klinger and Steve Schmidt as they discuss workforce prep skills and model activities that prepare students for workplace success. Register Here

Literacy Minnesota: Teaching Reading Vocabulary


Vocabulary is everyone’s favorite reading component! And helping students master reading vocabulary is a key to helping them master comprehension. But how many words should you teach? And which words are the most important? What strategies are best for helping students learn new words? How do you get students to make new words part of […]

LINCS: Teaching Juneteenth


In 2023 Juneteenth was recognized as a federal holiday, but what is the history of Juneteenth and how can educators use the celebration as an opportunity to teach about American history and the meaning of freedom? In this event, LINCS will cover the history of Juneteenth, and share information and resources to help educators turn […]

Literacy Minnesota: Developing and Practicing Reading Fluency


Come and review the important role of fluency in reading instruction. We will discuss the three key components of reading fluency and look at a variety of activities tutors and teachers can try. We will talk about the mechanics of doing fluency practice via Zoom, Google Meet, Teams or any other remote tutoring tool (including […]

COABE: Accelerating Literacy Acquisition for Multilingual Learners


Discover the transformative power of scientific research in English language instruction. This webinar delves into two crucial areas of study, the science of reading and the science of learning, offering invaluable insights for educators working with multilingual learners. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of evidence-based practices and explore practical strategies to accelerate English acquisition […]

Literacy Minnesota: Essential Zoom Skills for Online Instruction


Join this hands-on session to learn and practice essential Zoom skills for the virtual classroom that may not be in your repertoire if your experience with the platform is limited to meetings with friends and colleagues at work. The workshop will cover: 1. Turning off participants’ cameras and microphones. 2. Re-naming participants. 3. Sharing your […]

LINCS: Adult Numeracy Network, an interview of the outgoing president, Heidi Schuler-Jones


Join LINCS for an exclusive interview with Heidi Schuler-Jones, Director of the Adult Numeracy Center at TERC and outgoing President of the Adult Numeracy Network (ANN) as she shares her insights, experiences, and expertise in the field of adult education, particularly in math and numeracy instruction. In this engaging interview, Heidi will discuss effective strategies, […]

Literacy Minnesota: Teaching Intermediate Alphabetics


Teaching intermediate alphabetics (syllables, prefixes, suffixes, root words) is a great way to help students build their decoding and comprehension skills. Come learn a variety of fun and easy-to-use routines and activities for helping intermediate-level readers develop these important tools. Register Here

Literacy Minnesota: Trauma-Informed Teaching Practices for Adult Learners


Learning new languages and skills as an adult is a challenge for most people, and that challenge grows when trauma and stress are present. Trauma and chronic stress can come in many forms, and impact people’s ability to learn new skills and process information in a variety of different ways. In this webinar, learn how […]

LINCS: Microcredentialing


Can micro-credentials inform employers about prospective and incumbent employees? Join a live Zoom discussion where LINCS moderators, Chrissie Klinger, and Jacki Korengel and guest presenter Sarah Goldammer, Director of the Southern Illinois Professional Development Center, answer your questions about micro-credentialing, such as:  (1) How can employers use micro-credentialing to grow their workforce and include it […]

LINCS: Understanding Assistive Technology for Adult Learners: A Conversation with the Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs


Join this conversation with the National Assistive Technology Act Technical Assistance and Training (AT3) Center to learn what “assistive technology” means and the devices it includes. Our guest presenters are Kellie Blackwel, Marty Exline, Linda Jaco and Lyssa Prince will discuss the types of services offered by Assistive Technology Act Programs and how to access […]

Literacy Minnesota: Comprehension Strategies for Intermediate-Level Readers


Research shows that explicitly teaching a set of comprehension strategies is a great way to help intermediate-level readers maximize their understanding of texts. Come learn a handful of great comprehension tools that will help students develop critical thinking skills and comprehension skills. Register Here

Literacy Minnesota: Teaching and Tutoring with Northstar Digital Literacy


You don’t need to be a computer expert in order to teach computer skills! Come learn how help students build their digital literacy skills using Northstar Digital Literacy. In the webinar, participants will learn: The features of Northstar Digital Literacy. How to help learners navigate Northstar digital literacy assessments. How to use the Northstar instructor-led […]

COABE: Sparking Conversations about Race and Equity with Adult English Learners


English learners with basic conversational skills are often eager to discuss and learn about racism, equity, and justice. However, few opportunities exist to explore these topics in safe, structured settings, and language teachers are sometimes unprepared to effectively facilitate these conversations. This webinar will provide teachers with tools and ideas to encourage critical conversations about […]

Literacy Minnesota: Phonics in Beginning ESL: Recommendations, Activities and Resources


Phonics–the knowledge of the sounds letters make when they are combined to make words–is essential to beginning literacy and beginning level English language instruction. But, many teachers and tutors lack the knowledge, confidence and resources to teach the topic. Attend this session to learn why phonics instruction is important and leave with several ideas for […]

edWeb: Phonemic Awareness in Older Learners: Bridging the Gap


Designed for K12 educators, reading specialists, and literacy advocates, this session will explore how phonemic awareness instruction can be a game-changer for older students who need support with word reading. Despite its critical importance in early reading stages, phonemic awareness remains vital for remediation in older readers, providing a foundation for improved decoding, spelling, and […]

COABE: Case Management for ITP Students: A Tiered Approach for Multi-Level Participants


Internationally Trained Professionals as a subset of English language learners have specialized needs compared with the generalized population. Providers can start to serve these individuals where they are through case management by providing customized advising, career exploration, workplace preparation, digital skills, document translation and evaluation along with other intensive services. Register here.

EdTech Center@World Education: A Framework for Integrating AI in Adult Education


What questions should we be asking about new AI tools? What questions should we ask ourselves when we leverage those tools? Join this discussion to explore considerations for humans and technology in education and workforce development. Classroom teachers, education leaders, industry experts, and adult learners—ALL are welcome to join and participate in the conversation live […]

LINCS: A Virtual Professional Learning Community Example


Join this live Zoom event with guest presenter Joanna Botts, Director of Morehead State Adult Education, as she delves deeper into Kentucky’s use of virtual learning communities to facilitate professional development opportunities Register here.

COABE: IELCE in Action: Preparing Adult Multilingual Learners for High-Demand Machining Jobs


Designing an Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IELCE) program can be daunting. Learn how Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College’s Workforce Preparation and Introduction to Machining program is preparing multilingual language learners for entry-level employment in the high-demand field of machining. This engaging, visual-rich webinar will provide an overview of a successful IELCE program, including program […]

LINCS: Cross-Cultural Approaches to Digital Literacy


If viewed as a new language, digital literacy is similarly impacted by the cultural and social needs that a learner brings into the classroom. Join our guest presenter, Sarah Haroon Sualehi, PhD Candidate, Texas A&M, to explore what English language instructors can do to understand the social and cultural needs of your students and bridge […]

LINCS: Storytelling as an Instructional Strategy


Join the LINCS Community Teaching and Learning group for a presentation by Dr. Natalia Balyasnikova from York University, as she delves into the transformative power of storytelling in the realm of adult learning. Dr. Balyasnikova's research focuses on the English language learning experiences of older immigrants in community-based settings, utilizing innovative narrative ethnographic methods. Don't […]

VDOE 2024 Data Office Hours


An (optional) Office Hour for discussing how programs might incorporate the Portal into their student intake and data flow will be held July 22, 1:30-3 p.m. Join at this link, passcode: 350216

edWeb: Scaffolding: The Key to Engaging ALL Families in and Out of School


Family engagement requires parents and caregivers to navigate a wide range of new systems and experiences, with very little support. As educators, we often aren’t aware of how caregivers experience the school environment and may take for granted that everyone understands the processes, procedures, and expectations that are commonplace to us. This can create unintentional […]

2024 GED Conference


GED Testing Service®'s annual conference offers opportunities for learning, inspiration, and new perspectives. The 2024 Conference will be held in Long Beach, California. Offerings include a Train the Trainer session, information on the GED® mobile app and GED® analytics, Spanish language sessions, celebrations of GED® graduates, and a focus on Integrated Education and Training. Learn […]

edWeb: Enhancing Literacy Outcomes for Struggling Readers: Strategies, Challenges, and Future Directions


This edWebinar will focus on specific strategies or programs that school districts have found effective in closing the literacy gap in adolescent and secondary education. It highlights effective strategies and programs utilized by school districts to address the literacy gap among struggling readers, alongside ongoing challenges. The focus extends to professional development opportunities aimed at […]

LINCS: Contextualizing Employability Skills


Would you like to learn more about contextualizing employability skills for deeper learning? During the month of July, LINCS encourages adult educators to complete the 1.5 hour online/on-demand course Workforce Preparation Activities in the Classroom: Contextualizing Employability Skills for Deeper Learning. At this live event, we will further discuss what we learned in the course and […]

LINCS: Aphasia: What it is and Accommodations to Support Learners


A National Institutes of Health survey found that 84.5% of Americans have never heard the term “Aphasia”, yet there are 180,000 new aphasia cases a year in the U.S. Join us to learn about this language-based disorder and gain some instructional best practices and resources to support learners both in and outside of the classroom. […]

LINCS: I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for IET (Integrated Education and Training)


With IETs expanding all over the United States in community and correctional programs it's a great opportunity to  "scream" about all the great work everyone is doing. ADVANCE IET subject matter experts Chrissie Klinger, Wendy Scheder Black, Kate Daly Rolander will be ready to discuss how to blend all those components of IET together effectively […]

LACES Data Training – Invitation only

The Arboretum 300 Arboretum Place, Richmond, VA

By invitation only, more information is forthcoming. Please be sure to visit the LACES resource page for updates.

COABE: Improving Adult Learners’ Attitudes and Odds for Workplace Success


Participate in thought-provoking discussion and activities that introduce habits, skills, and strategies your students need to get a job and succeed. Discover how you can incorporate activities like these in your classroom to equip your students for the workplace. Register Here

LINCS: The Mirroring Project: An Innovative Approach for Teaching English Pronunciation


Teaching pronunciation to adult English learners is important, but it can be challenging. On August 7 at 3:00 ET, join our guest presenters Suzanne Gilchrist McCurdy, ELA teacher, and Colleen M. Meyers, Education Specialist with the University of Minnesota who will introduce an innovative approach called "Mirroring," which has the potential to increase the communication skills of […]

The Science of Reading: A Blueprint for Comprehension Instruction


It’s time to face the facts and recognize the reality that the Science of Reading does address comprehension and instructional practice. This knowledge can and should be used to inform the design and delivery of informed instruction for all students. During this edWebinar, we will:

> Discuss what the evidence has revealed about the nature of comprehension and the critical contributors to comprehension
> Explore a blueprint, an instructional framework, that addresses planning for the acquisition of essential language skills and knowledge sources necessary for making meaning of text
> Share examples of instructional routines and activities that support teaching, practicing, and applying critical skills and knowledge based on the demands of the text

Presented by Nancy Hennessy, M.Ed., Literacy Consultant; and Julia Salamone, M.Ed., Instructional Specialist, The Haverford School for Boys (PA)
Sponsored by Brookes Publishing


LINCS: Effective Instruction for English Learners with Limited Formal Schooling: Uncovering a Hidden Agenda


Do you have adult English learners who have limited formal schooling in your class? Do you have questions about how to effectively support these learners with the language skills they need to achieve their goals?  International expert, Dr. Helaine Marshall, will share highly effective approaches for teaching this population of learners. She will also identify approaches to avoid. […]

COABE: Setting the GPS: Creating a Career Success Focused Webinar Series for Adult Learners


Come learn how to design and implement a webinar series for your adult learners ready to enter and re-enter the workforce. This webinar will explore salient topics and formats as well as ways to evaluate the impact of this professional development opportunity. Help your adult learners learn how to navigate towards success in their positions. […]

LINCS: Understanding the Science of Reading


Confused about the Science of Reading (SOR) and how to apply its principles to instruction in your adult education program? Join LINCS moderators Steve Schmidt, Dr. Carmine Stewart, and Dr. Kathy Tracey as they unpack the SOR and provide information on LINCS resources that will help elevate your reading instruction. Register for this event here […]