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Digital Literacy Tips

Getting Students Online

  • Assess learners’ digital access and skills.
    • Consider making this a part of the intake/orientation process.
    • Assessment options include surveys (e.g., Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, ), phone calls, or text messaging as well as more formal assessments such as Northstar Digital Literacy.
  • Set up a plan for communication based on learner access. This might include text messaging and phone calls rather than relying on emails or announcements sent through a course site or learning management system (LMS).
  • Provide individualized technology support. Possible supports include providing digital literacy tutoring or connecting learners for peer mentoring.
  • Limit the amount of technology tools introduced at one time and make sure learners are comfortable with tools before introducing new ones.
  • Provide onboarding for new tools (e.g., demonstrations and how-to-videos for accessing online tools).
  • Provide all materials in a centralized location (e.g., Canvas, Google Classroom, Padlet, WhatsApp, a class Facebook group, etc. ).

Building Digital Literacy Skills

  • Conduct a digital literacy skills assessment.
  • Integrate online tools into classroom activities.
    • Model and scaffold instruction using tools.
    • Integrate tools into class routines.
    • Provide multiple opportunities to practice and use new tools and skills.
  • Provide authentic opportunities for application of digital literacy skills.
    • Assess where and how students plan to use digital literacy skills.
    • Consider skills needed for community participation, postsecondary education, and/or workforce preparation.

Visit the Digital Literacy Resources on the VALRC website for more information on resources to support learners, build skills, and determine online readiness.

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