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Going to Church

by Sis D

I remember going to church and faking the funk. I remember people used to tell me to go fake it until you make it. This is what I would call keeping the pew warm. I used to scribble scrabble in my notebook and my best friend would ask me what the pastor said. I would say I didn’t know, I did not hear and she would say ok. I would feel so bad and hang my head down. Still I was faking the funk. I did it for years until my daughter came home with a flier and gave it to me. It was on and popping! The flier said anybody who knows anyone who wants to learn to read should call this number. It was the Read Center. So I called the number and this nice person on the line asked me what day I want to come in and take my assessment. I came in and took my assessment and they sent me to the library on 25th street. I met another sweet lady. She is my teacher and now I go to church and I get my notebook out and write the sermon down for today like John 5 1-9, Destined for a Miracle.