Open Educational Resources are teaching materials that are either in the public domain or are licensed so that they can be adapted and/or shared. The #GoOpen Initiative was created by the U.S. Department of Education to provide states and districts with a way to share high-quality openly licensed educational materials. On January 24, 2020, the Virginia Department of Education launched #GoOpenVA. This initiative provides a place for educators from around the state to collaborate and share resources.
Users can browse collections or search for topics by subject, education level, standard, and provider. Resources include materials from wikibooks, Khan Academy, the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, and local educators. To help users find the highest quality materials, ratings are provided based on the five-star rating system.
Why #GoOpen?
By using #GoOpenVA, teachers can tailor lessons to suit the needs of their individual classroom. The ability to adapt previously-used lessons saves valuable planning time for busy instructors. With quality open resources readily available, textbooks may not be necessary.
One Limitation
Accounts are available to K-12 educators for now. Others can view the resources, but they cannot currently make comments or join groups.
#GoOpenVA at the 2020 Adult Education and Literacy Conference
Are you attending the 2020 Adult Education and Literacy Conference in Harrisonburg? Be sure to check out Jean Weller’s session on the GoOpenVA Project on Wednesday, February 19, 2020 at 12:30 p.m and repeated at 1:45 p.m.
Note: In order to submit a resource, users must accept the Terms and Conditions. The site recommends that contributors review the requirements and use the organizational rubric before posting. Resources are reviewed regularly, and users can contact an administrator if information contained in a lesson is incorrect. Each contributor is properly credited. Users can visit the help page to find information on submitting and searching for content.
Teacher Workshop