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Be Part of VALRC Podcast Live!

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Podcasts can educate, entertain, inform, inspire. But the most important reason to host a podcast is that they connect people in ways other training cannot. Podcasting allows training to be delivered on a flexible time schedule; learners can listen to a podcast whenever they want and wherever they may be.

VALRC is releasing a podcast series, beginning with an interview with Dr. Heidi Silver-Pacuilla, the Coordinator of Virginia Adult Education at the VDOE Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education. Dr. Silver-Pacuilla discusses the role of Title II, Adult Education, as a Virginia Workforce partner. The next podcasts in this first series are conversations with three regional program managers – Katy Parrish, Danielle Robinson, and Shirley Carlson – and their WIOA partners about how they make their partnerships work.

At the Adult Education & Literacy Conference on July 17-20, VALRC is offering an opportunity for instructors to be a part of the conversation, connecting to their counterparts across the state by sharing their best practices and how they will implement what they learn from conference presenters. We invite all conference attendees to be a part of VALRC Podcast Live!

Look for us in historic Williamsburg!

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